[mapguide-users] MapGuide Map Contents to Image File

Nichols, Mark A. markn at spicergroup.com
Wed Mar 31 10:03:09 EDT 2010

I'm using Mapguide 2.0 with PHP 5/Apache 2.  I am using PDFLib to create PDF maps from MapGuide.  I'm having a hard time on this particular server getting the mapguide image rendered on the screen converted to a an image.  I've done it in the past using the GD library.  Below I have an example of what works with a regular image and then how it doesn't work with the mapguide URL.  Is there a different way to get the image rather than using the GD library (I'm using Apache/PHP).  I have no issue with working with the PDF's but the issue is getting the mapguide image.
This works....
$theURL = "";
$gif = imagecreatefrompng($theURL);

This does not work....
$gif = imagecreatefrompng($theURL);

Thank you.
Mark Nichols
markn at spicergroup.com

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