[mapguide-users] SHP import

Maťo Baloga matobaloga at gmail.com
Wed May 19 10:02:59 EDT 2010



I am new to MapGuide, but I am happy that such a project exists.


I have two problems:

- when adding SHP, I get this message:

Validating resource:


Error - OSGeo.MapGuide.MaestroAPI.FeatureSource: Failed to read identity

properties: The remote server returned an error: (559)


The specified class was not found.


It doesnot matter what kind of SHP I am importing.

This maybe causes the fact, that the layer setting (thema) does not appear
in the final viewer. Everything is the same colour.


- second problem:

Could you please shortly explain me, or give a link to the answer, how can I
publish all the stuff to web page? Only to copy the mapguide do the www
root, where I have the rest of website?


Thank you very much for answer.


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