[mapguide-users] Digitize point function Mapguide 2.1

John Bendix John.Bendix at ci.new-ulm.mn.us
Mon Oct 4 16:10:07 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,

I have figured out how to get the Digitize Point function to work in
mapguide, with the following code. By a selecting the screen with an
"onclick option" in java. 

But I need to post the results to another php, cfm, or whatever page to
submit the results to a mapguide layer or spatial table. Does anyone
know how or have an example of how this is done.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">








<script language="JavaScript">

                function getMapFrame() {

                                return top.Main.mapFrame;



                function StartSelectPoint() {


                   getMapFrame().document.body.style.cursor =




                function OnPointDigitized(point) {

                                var x = point.X;

                                var y = point.Y;





= 'default';

ShowResults("X: " + point.X + ", Y: " + point.Y);







                function ClearAddForm() {



= 'default';



                function RefreshMap() {













<table width="100%">


                                <td align="right">

class="basicbutton" type="button" name="Add"

value=" Select Point on Map " onclick="javascript: StartSelectPoint();"

style="width=180;" />

                                                <br />





                                <td class="menu2">

                                                X Coordinate<br />

                                                <input type="text"
id="x" name="x" value=""

style="width:100%;" />





                                <td class="menu2">

                                                Y Coordinate<br />

                                                <input type="text"
id="y" name="y" value=""

style="width:100%;" />





                                <td align="right">

class="basicbutton" type="button"

id="clearbutton" value="Clear" style="width=106;" onclick="javascript:

ClearAddForm();" />






<hr />


<input class="basicbutton" style="display: block; float: right;"

type="button" name="refreshmapbutton" value=" Refresh Entire Map "

onclick="javascript: RefreshMap();" style="width=180;" />









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