[mapguide-users] User authentication and logout on basic layout

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Mon Oct 18 20:32:49 EDT 2010

By default, MapGuide uses standard http authentication, and there is
no technical way to log out of this kind of session once logged in;
the browsers don't support it. What was suggested was for you to write
a wrapper around the authentication, where you test the user
credentials and establish the MapGuide session yourself, bypassing
browser-based authentication. Unfortunately, the only way of doing
this is with custom code.

On 2010-10-18, ar_gaeta <ar_gaeta at yahoo.it> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer.
> But how I can close the session (without close the browser), come back to
> the custom login page, and in this way allow a new user to log in?
> Because my browser (and I think also other browser work like mine) take in
> memory the credentials of the user, and until I don't close the windows, it
> keeps username-password.
> Example:
> 1-from the custom login page, the user "pippo" connect to my site
> 2-after visit the site, user "pippo" want to access at the same site as the
> user "admin"
> 3-he can't do that because the browser (or MapGuide, maybe...) keep in
> memory the user "pippo"
> 4-to login as "admin", the user "pippo" must close the browser, re-open it,
> and from the custom login page connect to the site a "admin".
> I'm just asking if there is a way to skip points 3 and 4.
> Thanks again,
> Riccardo
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/User-authentication-and-logout-on-basic-layout-tp5602585p5647389.html
> Sent from the MapGuide Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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