[mapguide-users] Can't get fusion to work using Sheboygan and Google Maps

Nathan Elmore elmore.nathan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 17:21:58 EDT 2011

Hello All,

So I've been trying to get Fusion to work for a while now with the Fusion
Sheboygan example with no luck. (it comes in the
fusion2.2/templates/standard) The closest I've gotten is an "overview map"
that shows the Sheboygan layer when I am looking at the google map
(Screenshot here). <http://i.imgur.com/B6m6p.png> But when I uncheck the
google map. Its only the brownish background color. When I try to select a
parcel, I get an error:*

FireBug Response:

*clientagentFusion ViewergeometryPOLYGON((-9764299.9866531 5426831.0385417,
-9764130.3919966 5426831.0385417, -9764130.3919966 5426907.47557,
-9764299.9866531 5426907.47557, -9764299.9866531 5426831.0385417))

<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<h2>Invalid argument(s):
The value cannot be less than or equal to zero.</h2>
Invalid argument(s):
The value cannot be less than or equal to zero.

I am using MGOS 2.2 on RHEL 64 bit. I'm using the latest release of fusion
2.2 (I also got the trunk from svn, but it does the same thing).

Here are my steps.

I made a copy of the Sheboygan.MapDefinition and called it Sheboygan_m. I
converted it to PseudoMercator using Maestro3.5 and gave a warning (known
warning I've seen in another mailing list post). Then I changed the
ResourceID ApplicationDefinition.xml where the MapGroup is google-sheboygan
to point to Sheboygan_m. Then I uncommented the line in index.html to load
the google maps api.

    <MapGroup id="google-sheboygan">

Then I loaded the map in a browser. And it has the two issues I mentioned

Thanks guys.
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