[mapguide-users] sql odbc points and utm zones

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Tue Jan 14 10:11:37 PST 2014

Just wondering if anyone happens to know off-hand if this is possible 
with MGOS....if I've got a table of coords (say in SQL server) that are 
all UTM (various zones), can I make that table into a single dynamic 
layer? The table would stay in SQL,be updated periodically, and would, 
of course, have a field for the UTM zone....Any thoughts?


GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca/>

*Andrew DeMerchant*

tel: 506.453.1025  /  toll-free: 1.877.243.6832
fax: 506.453.9470

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