[mapguide-users] strange alias problem with gdal (x64)

Andrew DeMerchant andrew.demerchant at gemtec.ca
Wed Nov 19 07:26:48 PST 2014

Sorry about bombarding the list with questions all of a sudden....I've 
got one more, which hopefully will be the last for a while. I'm having 
some trouble with aliases and gdal in 2.6.

First, let me say that my aliases seem to be working for for everything 
except gdal layers. I'm able to see the contents of my aliased folders 
from Maestro, no problem. I can create a new composite gdal feature 
source from Maestro, without any trouble - all files get added (I'm 
using a folder alias - so all files in that folder). I can preview the 
datasource without any problem - I see the list of all of the images.

The problem I'm having is that none of the images show up when I turn 
the layer on (the images don't show up). I ran the server interactively 
with the cpl_debug flag set to "on" and I'm seeing an error 4 happen 
when I try to turn on the gdal layers using an alias. Here's the error I 

"ERROR 4: 
does not exist in the file system, and is not recognised as a supported 
dataset name."

It's not a permissions issue, because if I use the local folder name 
rather than the alias, it works fine. I've also tried making the alias 
both with and without the trailing "\", just for fun - no change. Any ideas?


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GEMTEC Limited <http://www.gemtec.ca/>

*Andrew DeMerchant*

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fax: 506.453.9470

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