[mapguide-users] MGOS 4.0 and REST

pierre.cardinal at sympatico.ca pierre.cardinal at sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 2 11:28:44 PDT 2022

Hi Jackie,


What can it be ?



MGOS 4.0 from last release with IIS under Server2012 R2

MGOS 4.0 from build with IIS under Win10




When I tried to use mapguide-REST with
http://localhost/mapguide/rest/index.php, I have the following message :



404 Page Not Found

The page you are looking for could not be found. Check the address bar to
ensure your URL is spelled correctly. If all else fails, you can visit our
home page at the link below.

Visit the Home Page <http://localhost/mapguide/rest/index.php/> 




And in the VS Code debugger  I have the exception Slim\Exception\Stop (line
1020 in Slim.php)



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