[mapguide-users] REACT Sample

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 06:09:32 PDT 2022

Use "resource" instead of "ApplicationDefinition" as the query string

- Jackie

You wrote:

With MGOS (build 9862) and IIS under Win10.

I  have no problem to display the REACT viewer when I am using the
viewer directory (ziewer.zip or  yarn install from the source) .

But when I am trying to display the REACT viewer with the sample
directory, http://localhost/mapguide/sample/sample_template.html?ApplicationDefinition=Library://Samples/Sheboygan/FlexibleLayouts/React.ApplicationDefinition&locale=en

Note : I have a React flexible layout (react.xml) in FlexibleLayouts
of the Sheboygan package

I have the following message :

An error occurred during startup

No resource parameter found. This viewer assumes this parameter to be
set in the query string and must refer to a valid Web Layout or
Application Definition. If not specified, it will try to init from a
Application Definition document at appdef.json

With MGOS 4.0 P3 and IIS under Server 2012 R2

Also I have no problem with the viewer directory but, when I am trying
to display the REACT viewer with the  sample directory, mostly
everything is OK except  the « View as KML »  function. When I click
on « View as KML », the function returns a pop up window to download
the file mapagent.fcgi.

With MGOS 4.0 P4 and IIS under Win10.

Also I have no problem with the viewer directory but, when I am trying
to display the REACT viewer with the  sample directory, mostly
everything is OK except  the « View as KML »  function. When I click
on « View as KML », the function returns a pop up window to download
the file mapagent.fcgi.



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