[mapguide-users] PHP Vulnerability

Martyn Andresen martyn.andresen at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 06:06:42 PDT 2024

Hi Jackie:

Just checking in to see if you have an idea as to when the next beta might
be available.


On Thursday, June 13, 2024, Jackie Ng via mapguide-users <
mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Rather than a patch, I think I'll just put out a new beta release with the
> updated Apache/PHP/Tomcat and roll up whatever pending/near-complete dev
> work I was on.
> Which means that my original plans for "just one more beta release" are
> out the window. I'm now more inclined to go with the plan of "however many
> beta releases required"
> - Jackie
> You wrote:
> Hi Jackie,
> There's a PHP vulnerability that's been brought to our attention:
> https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-4577
> Will there be a patch available for MGOS 4?
> Thanks,
> David
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