[mapguide-users] IronPython - automate Maestro

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 04:45:57 PDT 2024

You really have to be familiar with the XML structure of the resources you
are working with. The objects you are interacting with on the console are
objects that have near 1:1 structure with their respective XML schema

The bulk of the Maestro API is C# classes auto-generated from the .xsd
documents that ship with MapGuide. These .xsd files describe the shape of
all the resources (and all the versions of these resources) you can work
with in MapGuide. Because these .xsd documents exist in multiple versions,
we use C# interfaces to provide commonality across these different
auto-generated classes and when working with resources in Maestro API,
you're working against these interfaces and never have to deal with the
underlying auto-generated classes.

I'm sorry if the API documentation is not that helpful or barebones around
these classes/interfaces because practically speaking at the moment it is
simpler to just look at the underlying .xsd documents to understand the XML
structure of a specific resource type rather than painstakingly repeat all
of this documentation in our common wrapping interfaces.

In the case of Layer Definitions, you should refer to the respective
LayerDefinition.xsd to understand the structure of a Layer Definition
document. These schema files are in the Server/Schema folder of your
MapGuide install and are also included in the Schemas directory of your
Maestro installation. If you're unable to read/understand these .xsd schema
files then I can't really help you there.

Either way, I'll give you a cliff-notes version of the Layer Definition

A Layer Definition has:
 - A sub element that indicates if this is a vector, raster or DWF-based
drawing layer
    - Because we're dealing with a vector layer, it has 1:n vector scale
       - Each vector scale range has *zero or one* of:
          - A point style
             - With 1:n point rules
          - A line style
             - With 1:n line rules
          - An area (polygon) style
             - With 1:n area rules
          - A composite style (if using advanced stylization)
             - With 1:n composite rules

So to then revisit your original problem: Why is there no GetPointStyleAt()

Because there is indeed no such function. There's only one point style: The
.PointStyle property.

Same thing for line/area/composite styles.

We only provide GetXXXAt() and AddXXX() functions for elements that can
exist 1 or more times. Point styles do not qualify. Therefore they only
exist as properties to set directly.

Therefore your code should've been this:

  if vectorScaleRange.PointStyle is None:
    pointStyle = ldf.CreateDefaultPointStyle()
    #Add the new pointStyle to the vectorScaleRange
    vectorScaleRange.PointStyle = pointStyle
    print "There already is a pointStyle"

I would think and hope that as you were typing your original code out in
the IronPython console, that the autocomplete did not provide any
suggestions for GetPointStyleAt after you hit dot after vectorScaleRange.
That is because the autocomplete was telling the truth: There is no such
function on the vectorScaleRange object.

- Jackie

You wrote:

Sorry to bother you again.


  if vectorScaleRange.GetPointStyleAt(0) is None:

    pointStyle = ldf.CreateDefaultPointStyle()

    #Add the new pointStyle to the vectorScaleRange



    print "There already is a pointStyle"

Apparently there is no GetPointStyle() or GetPointStyle

Here is where I cannot seem to grasp the logic of things.

Is there documentation about all getters and setters ?

I searched the API documentation for PointStyle and there is a
decscription, however:

I franly do not understand how to use the API documentation and apply it in
the context of IronPython.

(There is not much to go on for a beginner on it seems)

Met vriendelijke groet,


Bart Oostdam
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