[mapguide-users] Precache MapGuide REST tile.png

pierre.cardinal pierre.cardinal at sympatico.ca
Thu May 2 13:06:11 PDT 2024

Hi, https://jumpinjackie.github.io/mapguide-maestro/userguide/mgtileseeder.html Pierre  De : mapguide-users <mapguide-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> De la part de Nimrod Cnaan via mapguide-usersEnvoyé : 1 mai 2024 13:20À : MapGuide Users Mail List <mapguide-users at lists.osgeo.org>Cc : Nimrod Cnaan <nimcnaan at gmail.com>Objet : [mapguide-users] Precache MapGuide REST tile.png Hi,  Is there a way to write a script that makes requests to the MapGuide REST API,causing the server to generate and store precache tiles ? Assuming this will improve performance for the "External General XYZ Layer".Something like: import requestsserver_url = 'http://myserverurl/mapguide/rest/'map_name = 'library/projectname/Maps/mymap.MapDefinition'base_map_url = f'{server_url}tile/{map_name}/'# Define the zoom levels and tile ranges to precachezoom_levels = [0, 1, 2, 3]  # Example zoom levelstile_range = range(0, 10)  # Example tile range for x and y# Loop through each zoom level and tile range to request tilesfor zoom in zoom_levels    for x in tile_range        for y in tile_range            tile_url = f'{base_map_url}{zoom}{x}{y}.png'            response = requests.get(tile_url)            print(f'Requesting {tile_url} - Status {response.status_code}')            # Optional Implement some error handling and retry logic            if response.status_code != 200                print(f'Error retrieving tile at {zoom}{x}{y}') -- בכבוד רב, נמרוד כנען   |   גיאומינד שירותי GIS  –  פיתוח,  ייעוץ  ושירותי ענןישיר: 048101268 | נייד: 0525355483 | nimrod at geomind.co.ilנא בקרו באתר החדש שלנו http://geomind.co.il
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