[mapguide][MG76][Modified] AJAX Viewer status bar shows "(Degree)"

Alain Lebatard alain.lebatard at autodesk.com
Thu Mar 9 17:35:09 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID:
MG76 (AJAX Viewer status bar shows "(Degree)")

Modified by:
Alain Lebatard
alainlebatard (alain.lebatard at autodesk.com)

The following modifications were made to this artifact:

-- Resolution Description set to new value:
The 'Degree' string displayed in the status bar of the web surround comes from the mapguide API. The web surround uses MgCoordinateSystem::GetUnits() to get the units string. 

Because there are many possibilities of units, we cannot process each of them to change it to a more readable form, so we will keep displaying the units as it is encoded in the WKT definition of the coordinate system.

-- Artifact Status changed:
Old value:
New value:
-- Resolution set to new value:
Will Not Address

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