[mapguide][MG438][New] Map/Layer preview should display visible map extent

Joel Carranza jec at gatekeeper.com
Wed Oct 25 14:49:44 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 MG438 (Map/Layer preview should display visible map extent)

Reported by
 Joel Carranza
 jec (jec at gatekeeper.com)

New artifact details:

- Artifact Status set to new value
- Artifact created
- Justification set to new value
  Problem with the layer preview is that it is sometime hard to find sparse data,especially given that you don't have the background layers to guide you. Need to add improvode navigation tools, i.e. where am I? Take me someplace....
- Summary set to new value
  Map/Layer preview should display visible map extent
- Description set to new value
  At the very least, map/layer previews in Autodesk Studio and web studio should display a status bar, allowing me to actually determine what it is I am looking at..

Ideally, right hand side should include a navigate to x/y coordinate with zoom scale as well. The space is available, would be best to make use of it. 
- Priority set to new value

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