RFC process...

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Sat Oct 28 01:50:13 EDT 2006

Do we really want the RFC process to apply to the web site?  Maybe for major overhauls, but personally I think that this kind of thing could be better dealt with informally, perhaps by a web site subcommittee.  
Also, I'm a bit scared of an RFC process that appears to expect the presentation of a well-thought-out canned solution, which is then subject to debate on the DEV list.  I think that we should be encouraging an informal process where a problem/solution pair (or just the problem) is put forward to the DEV list/channel as a rough WIKI page, and is then debated and polished into a form where it can be submitted as an RFC.
This kind of process gives us better solutions, and ensures that the original submitter only needs to do a limited amount of work before starting the discussion, reducing the emotional attachment to a particular solution.


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