[mapguide-users] Experiences with Oracle Spatial

jas jason.haydon at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 00:03:38 EDT 2006

Joel, Juan,

We are getting the same issue. It will display the table names, fields etc
but the data will not display. Is there anything specific that needs to be
setup e.g. config files, PHP etc. Any help would be appreciated.


I found the following information:
have noticed that we get the following when using the GETSPATIALCONTEXTS
option (http://localhost/mapguide/mapagent/index.html):

The items we noticed were:
1) The SC is repeated 3 times
2) SpatialContext IsActive="false" 
3) The coord system range is 
- <UpperRightCoordinate>

Where as our range in Oracle Spatial is:
((X, 144.435155, 145.396467, 0.001), (Y, -38.231428, -37.17879, 0.001), , )

What do we need to talk to Oracle correctly?

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <FdoSpatialContextList>
- <SpatialContext IsActive="false">
<Description>Spatial context from Oracle metadata</Description> 
<CoordinateSystemName>Longitude / Latitude (GDA 94)</CoordinateSystemName> 
<CoordinateSystemWkt>GEOGCS [ "Longitude / Latitude (GDA 94)", DATUM ["GDA
94", SPHEROID ["GRS 80", 6378137, 298.257222101]], PRIMEM [ "Greenwich",
0.000000 ], UNIT ["Decimal Degree",
- <Extent>
- <LowerLeftCoordinate>
- <UpperRightCoordinate>
- <SpatialContext IsActive="false">
<Description>Spatial context from Oracle metadata</Description> 
<CoordinateSystemName>Longitude / Latitude (GDA 94)</CoordinateSystemName> 
<CoordinateSystemWkt>GEOGCS [ "Longitude / Latitude (GDA 94)", DATUM ["GDA
94", SPHEROID ["GRS 80", 6378137, 298.257222101]], PRIMEM [ "Greenwich",
0.000000 ], UNIT ["Decimal Degree",
- <Extent>
- <LowerLeftCoordinate>
- <UpperRightCoordinate>
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Experiences-with-Oracle-Spatial-tf2047988.html#a5644524
Sent from the OSGeo MapGuide forum at Nabble.com.

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