[mapguide-users] Cannot connect to MapGuide Server on local machine if no network connection available.

Luiz Marcio Viana lmarcio at parsrio.com.br
Mon Jul 24 08:03:30 EDT 2006

Hi Jackie,

If you have problem using the localhost access, try install the Microsoft Loopback Adapter and set a real IP address to it.
This will create a local network for your computer.

Luiz Marcio

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jackie Ng 
  To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org 
  Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 1:22 AM
  Subject: [mapguide-users] Cannot connect to MapGuide Server on local machine if no network connection available.


  I've recently discovered a really nagging problem with the MapGuide Server being unreachable (both studio and viewer fail to connect to site server) if no network connection is available. Even when I am connecting to the server process from the same machine that it is running on! But the moment I plug in a network cable, everything's fine again!

  Is there any way to resolve this problem? 

  Jackie Ng

  AEC Spatial Pty Ltd. / AEC Systems Pty Ltd.

  A.B.N: 32 075 809 451

  Level 4, 37-41 Prospect St. Box Hill, Victoria, 3128

  Phone: 1300 368 609 
  Fax:    1300 362 140 

  jackie.ng at aecsystems.com.au

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