[mapguide-users] MG Opensource config issues

rock well rockwell_001 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 27 15:11:49 EDT 2006

Hi kenny, i havent set anything on the permissions, the installation has taken care of it. I mean i dont know why you are getting an authentication error. Well may be try changing the permissions of the mapadmin folder, it might give us a luck.
  As a matter of fact i am very new to mapguide, i installed mapguide like 2 days ago and i am dying to find some good examples in .net. I found this dotnetviewersample.zip but when i run it i get the error
  Resource was not found: Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganAsp.WebLayout
Resource was not found: Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganAsp.WebLayout Exception occurred in method MgResourceDefinitionManager.GetDocument at line 483 in file c:\build_tux_area\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ResourceDefinitionManager.cpp 
  Well i am still trying to figure out what caused this error.
  Sorry kenny i couldnt be much help to you.

kenny at keniginc.com wrote:

Thank you very much for sharing this info with me. I have been so 
frustrated by this, that this morning, I was thinking about 
uninstalling and re-installing the entire thing, thinking that perhaps 
something went wrong during the install.

The installing and configuration seem to be a breeze, largely because 
the installed did everything for me. All I had to do was upgrade the 
.net to 2...

Now, Kris, I had already created an application in IIS.

The question that I have for you, if you don't mind is, did you create 
your own permission in IIS or did you let the installer do it for you?

I read from the manual that it is recommended that you leave the 
permission just the way the installer did it but I noticed in mine 
that some files were given the annonymous permission, some were, like 
the mapviewernet were given the integrated windows permission.

Currently, this folder and associated files have the integrated 
windows permission; yet when I open the studio, I get invalid 

I have tried the Administrator/admin pair, no love, I have tried my 
windows login, no help. I have even changed the mode in web.config 
file from "None" to "Windows", no help. I even asked the web.config 
file to impersonate user's login. Nothing seems to work at this time.

Since when I load my shape files, it is not visible in the map, the 
only way to correct this is by previewing it in studio and since I 
cannot view in studio due to various permission issues, I am a dead 
man walking right now.

Any additional help will be GREATLY appreciated

Quoting rock well :

> Hi kenny,
> i guess i had the same problem too, so what i did was went 
> into IIS and then the mapguide folder, then right click on the 
> mapviewernet folder where you have the ajax viewer.aspx files and 
> then create a application for it under the directory tab.
> Hope this helps ...
> kris
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> list,
> hate to keep bothering you about this but i am pretty stuck in the
> early stages of this data loading process.
> I have followed the instructions on the gettingStarted.pdf manual to
> load a couple of sample data via the studio.
> But so far, when I click on any of the layers per the manual to style
> the appearance of the layer, I keep getting an erron on the web.config
> file.
> The error pretty much has problem with the authentication mode of the
> mapagent.
> the authentication mode on web.config is: 
> When I installed the MG OS, i let the installer install and config it
> for me since I am using the .net framework to code it.
> What am i doing wrong?
> I done several searches on the forum about this but came up empty.
> Please guys help me to get through this.
> thanks very much in advance
> Quoting Andy Morsell :
>> The easiest way to get going on authoring your own data is to use the
>> GettingStartedGuide.pdf found in the default location of C:\Program
>> Files\Autodesk\MapGuideStudio2007\Help. Once you run through setting up and
>> loading a couple of the sample data sources, you should be able to apply
>> that to your own data.
>> Andy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: kenny at keniginc.com [mailto:kenny at keniginc.com]
>> Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 1:28 PM
>> To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>> Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] MG Opensource config issues
>> list,
>> I have successfully installed a demo of the MG OS app and everything seems
>> to work real good.
>> I want to extend a special "Thank you" to Andy Morsell for not only
>> introduced Mapguide Open Source to me but also referred me to this mailing
>> list.
>> Yet, he continued to respond to my posts.
>> Thanks very much.
>> The only question I have ( for now :) ) is how do I replace the
>> Sheboygan.mgp file with my own shp / db files?
>> any suggestions, samples will be truly appreciated.
>> Quoting Andy Morsell :
>>> Kenny,
>>> I saw your other message in the old Autodesk MapGuide group appealing
>>> for help on this. I am just totally swamped in project work right now
>>> or would spend more time on this specific issue. I generally hate to
>>> just brush off questions like this, but a lot of these initial
>>> configuration and setup snags have been discussed over and over in
>>> this list. I'm sure we'll collectively (somehow) put together an
>>> install and config FAQ or troubleshooting guide and have it on the
>>> OSGEO Wiki, but for now, this list is all we have. I find it much
>>> easier to use this site for doing research on previously discussed topics:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/OSGeo-MapGuide-f14845.html
>>> Andy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: kenny at keniginc.com [mailto:kenny at keniginc.com]
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:41 AM
>>> To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: [mapguide-users] MG Opensource config issues
>>> List,
>>> in my earlier post here today, I indicated that I was having "Access
>> Denied"
>>> error when attempting to test the config settings.
>>> After fiddling with it for a short while, I discovered that perhaps I
>>> was having that problem because I installed it in windows xp, instead
>>> of windows
>>> 2003 server.
>>> So, I installed it on windows 2003 server.
>>> When I attempted to test with this:
>>> http://localhost/mapguide/mapviewerajax/ajaxviewer.aspx?WEBLAYOUT=Libr
>>> ary://
>>> ATest.WebLayout
>>> Instead of getting the error message on the manual which is this:
>>> Resource was not found: Library://ATest.WebLayout
>>> I got the following:
>>> Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'OSGeo'
>>> could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
>>> reference?)
>>> Source Error:
>>> Line 21: Line 22: >>> Namespace="System.Web" %>Line 23: >>> Namespace="OSGeo.MapGuide" %>Line 24:
>>> Line 25: 
>>> Source File: C:\Program
>>> Files\MapGuideOpenSource\WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewernet\mainfram
>>> e.aspx
>>> Line: 23
>>> Where did I go wrong?
>>> Please help!!
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