[mapguide-users] MG Opensource config issues

kenny at keniginc.com kenny at keniginc.com
Tue Jun 27 19:50:12 EDT 2006

Thanks Kris,

We may have to form a tag team here as 2 new mg os guys. I have  
actually built a map (autodesk 6 and later 6.5) app using classic asp  
after taking  a one-day "how to program mapguide" class with no prior  
gis experience. i am trying to replicate that feat here, having not  
used .net before. i believe that once i get set up correctly, i will  
be fine from the programming side of things.

In the meantime, I uninstalled, and re-installed the entire mg os /  
studio and was still having the same problem,

It turned out that the installer configured my iis to accept  
integrated windows login credentials. As a last resort, I changed  
everything to accept annonymous login credentials and vavoom, it is  
now working. I know better now not to take for granted the word  

The next challenge for me now is to know how to set drawing priorities  
for my layers because now i can see and set layer styles and  
appearance. I still don't know how to configure the map i created to  
be viewable on the lap like the sample sheboygan. But this is a step  
in the right direction.

Meanwhile, as for your current error message, I recommend you go to  
control panel, services, and see if maguide service is started. that  
was my issue when i had that problem and that was how i resolved it.

As for your

Quoting rock well <rockwell_001 at yahoo.com>:

> Hi kenny, i havent set anything on the permissions, the installation  
>  has taken care of it. I mean i dont know why you are getting an   
> authentication error. Well may be try changing the permissions of   
> the mapadmin folder, it might give us a luck.
>   As a matter of fact i am very new to mapguide, i installed   
> mapguide like 2 days ago and i am dying to find some good examples   
> in .net. I found this dotnetviewersample.zip but when i run it i get  
>  the error
>   Resource was not found:   
> Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganAsp.WebLayout
> Resource was not found:   
> Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganAsp.WebLayout Exception  
>  occurred in method MgResourceDefinitionManager.GetDocument at line   
> 483 in file   
> c:\build_tux_area\mgdev\server\src\services\resource\ResourceDefinitionManager.cpp
>   Well i am still trying to figure out what caused this error.
>   Sorry kenny i couldnt be much help to you.
>   Kris
> kenny at keniginc.com wrote:
>   Kris,
> Thank you very much for sharing this info with me. I have been so
> frustrated by this, that this morning, I was thinking about
> uninstalling and re-installing the entire thing, thinking that perhaps
> something went wrong during the install.
> The installing and configuration seem to be a breeze, largely because
> the installed did everything for me. All I had to do was upgrade the
> .net to 2...
> Now, Kris, I had already created an application in IIS.
> The question that I have for you, if you don't mind is, did you create
> your own permission in IIS or did you let the installer do it for you?
> I read from the manual that it is recommended that you leave the
> permission just the way the installer did it but I noticed in mine
> that some files were given the annonymous permission, some were, like
> the mapviewernet were given the integrated windows permission.
> Currently, this folder and associated files have the integrated
> windows permission; yet when I open the studio, I get invalid
> uername/password.
> I have tried the Administrator/admin pair, no love, I have tried my
> windows login, no help. I have even changed the mode in web.config
> file from "None" to "Windows", no help. I even asked the web.config
> file to impersonate user's login. Nothing seems to work at this time.
> Since when I load my shape files, it is not visible in the map, the
> only way to correct this is by previewing it in studio and since I
> cannot view in studio due to various permission issues, I am a dead
> man walking right now.
> Any additional help will be GREATLY appreciated
> Quoting rock well :
>> Hi kenny,
>> i guess i had the same problem too, so what i did was went
>> into IIS and then the mapguide folder, then right click on the
>> mapviewernet folder where you have the ajax viewer.aspx files and
>> then create a application for it under the directory tab.
>> Hope this helps ...
>> kris
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>> list,
>> hate to keep bothering you about this but i am pretty stuck in the
>> early stages of this data loading process.
>> I have followed the instructions on the gettingStarted.pdf manual to
>> load a couple of sample data via the studio.
>> But so far, when I click on any of the layers per the manual to style
>> the appearance of the layer, I keep getting an erron on the web.config
>> file.
>> The error pretty much has problem with the authentication mode of the
>> mapagent.
>> the authentication mode on web.config is:
>> When I installed the MG OS, i let the installer install and config it
>> for me since I am using the .net framework to code it.
>> What am i doing wrong?
>> I done several searches on the forum about this but came up empty.
>> Please guys help me to get through this.
>> thanks very much in advance
>> Quoting Andy Morsell :
>>> The easiest way to get going on authoring your own data is to use the
>>> GettingStartedGuide.pdf found in the default location of C:\Program
>>> Files\Autodesk\MapGuideStudio2007\Help. Once you run through setting up and
>>> loading a couple of the sample data sources, you should be able to apply
>>> that to your own data.
>>> Andy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: kenny at keniginc.com [mailto:kenny at keniginc.com]
>>> Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 1:28 PM
>>> To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] MG Opensource config issues
>>> list,
>>> I have successfully installed a demo of the MG OS app and everything seems
>>> to work real good.
>>> I want to extend a special "Thank you" to Andy Morsell for not only
>>> introduced Mapguide Open Source to me but also referred me to this mailing
>>> list.
>>> Yet, he continued to respond to my posts.
>>> Thanks very much.
>>> The only question I have ( for now :) ) is how do I replace the
>>> Sheboygan.mgp file with my own shp / db files?
>>> any suggestions, samples will be truly appreciated.
>>> Quoting Andy Morsell :
>>>> Kenny,
>>>> I saw your other message in the old Autodesk MapGuide group appealing
>>>> for help on this. I am just totally swamped in project work right now
>>>> or would spend more time on this specific issue. I generally hate to
>>>> just brush off questions like this, but a lot of these initial
>>>> configuration and setup snags have been discussed over and over in
>>>> this list. I'm sure we'll collectively (somehow) put together an
>>>> install and config FAQ or troubleshooting guide and have it on the
>>>> OSGEO Wiki, but for now, this list is all we have. I find it much
>>>> easier to use this site for doing research on previously discussed topics:
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/OSGeo-MapGuide-f14845.html
>>>> Andy
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: kenny at keniginc.com [mailto:kenny at keniginc.com]
>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:41 AM
>>>> To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
>>>> Subject: [mapguide-users] MG Opensource config issues
>>>> List,
>>>> in my earlier post here today, I indicated that I was having "Access
>>> Denied"
>>>> error when attempting to test the config settings.
>>>> After fiddling with it for a short while, I discovered that perhaps I
>>>> was having that problem because I installed it in windows xp, instead
>>>> of windows
>>>> 2003 server.
>>>> So, I installed it on windows 2003 server.
>>>> When I attempted to test with this:
>>>> http://localhost/mapguide/mapviewerajax/ajaxviewer.aspx?WEBLAYOUT=Libr
>>>> ary://
>>>> ATest.WebLayout
>>>> Instead of getting the error message on the manual which is this:
>>>> Resource was not found: Library://ATest.WebLayout
>>>> I got the following:
>>>> Compiler Error Message: CS0246: The type or namespace name 'OSGeo'
>>>> could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
>>>> reference?)
>>>> Source Error:
>>>> Line 21: Line 22: >>> Namespace="System.Web" %>Line 23: >>>   
>>>> Namespace="OSGeo.MapGuide" %>Line 24:
>>>> Line 25:
>>>> Source File: C:\Program
>>>> Files\MapGuideOpenSource\WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewernet\mainfram
>>>> e.aspx
>>>> Line: 23
>>>> Where did I go wrong?
>>>> Please help!!
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