DWF Viewer API for managing selections

Joel Carranza jec at gatekeeper.com
Tue May 2 16:02:16 EDT 2006

I am trying to write some code to inspect the current selection using the
DWF Viewer. However, I am unable to find any documentation on what comes out
of the "selectionSet" property of the viewer. I see that it is a collection
of some kind, but I don't know what the type that comes out of the
collection is. I consulted the "Viewer APIs for Emap" document but didn't
see any relevant information. 

The code I am using is something like the following: 

    var selectionSet = emapViewer.SelectionSet;
    for(selEnumerator = new Enumerator(selectionSet);
!selEnumerator.atEnd(); selEnumerator.moveNext())
        var feature = selEnumerator.item();
        var id = feature.id;
        var layerId = feature.LayerObjectId;
        // what is feature? 
        // what are its properties and methods?       

Specifcally, I want programmatic access to the object properties that are
shown in the properties pane. Anybody know how to do this?


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