[mapguide-users] Unable to connect with Studio

Abram, Richard richard.abram at energyeast.com
Fri May 12 13:26:38 EDT 2006

In IIS you need to go into the Web Service Extensions and edit the
mapagent entry and point to the mapagent.exe instead of the dll.  It's a
good guess that they must match between the .fcgi entry and the Web
Service Extensions.



From: Butler, Juan P [mailto:jpbutler at co.pinellas.fl.us] 
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 10:17 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Unable to connect with Studio


Well, I changed over to use the Mapagent.exe in IIS and performance was
poor so I went back to use the isapi_fcgi.dll.   Now I can't connect to
the site using Studio and get "Unable to complete request to Site"
window.  It states "Unexpected error in contacting site URL".   Anyone
run into this or have any suggestions?  I've rebooted many times to no


Also, in my applications, none of layers show up in the map and they
have question marks on them in the legend.


- Juan

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