Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load package'

Jay JayRI at
Sat Nov 11 10:16:51 EST 2006

Thank you Andy, Bill, and Jason for your replies helping me fix my problem!
My mistake was (prior to downloading Sheboygan) I failed to change 'save as'
from the recognized zip to save as all files. I needed to download again
this time change the 'save as' to 'all files'.
Sincere Thanks again.
From: Andy Morsell <amorsell at>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 12:28:13 -0800
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: [mapguide-users] Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load
Try logging out of Admin, restarting the MapGuide Server service and then
logging back in to see if it will then show up....
From: Jay <JayRI at>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:23:06 -0500
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load package'
Thank you Andy for reply,
Yes, I did copy the .mgp file into the same "Package Folder" as defined
under Configure Services" in MG Administrator. For me with Windows its <
C:\Program Files\MapGuideOpenSource\Server\Packages> which is the same
path/location as I see in the Resource Services section (which is the
default location) entitled 'Package folder'.
  The Sheboygan down load is named "Sheboygan.mgp" from the down load site,
however it is saved as a .zip .
My documentation entitled 'Installing Sample Data and Viewer Sample
Application' downloaded from osgeo does not mention to change the name from
.zip to .mgp , however I did see somewhere (can't remember where) what at
first glance appears to be the same document, with the exception of an
additional box inserted into the numbered directions steps (#2 and #3) that
said to change the name .zip to .mgp. I also found a post on osgeo mailings
lists telling to change .zip to .mgp also. Great , I thought that was my
issue. but still not showing in the "Load Packages" section.
 I do not have MG Studio, and I wonder if it is required so as my computer
recognizes a .mgp. This is my only guess as I have tried numerous things
including down loading again, down loading and saving directly to  <
C:\Program Files\MapGuideOpenSource\Server\Packages> then change from .zip
to .mgp. I think I am missing something simple as my problem seems should be
resolved simply. but.  Any ideas would be great.
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 13:49:37 -0500
From: Bill Dhimitri <bill.dhimitri at>
Subject: [mapguide-users] Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load
Hi Jay,
I have done this (putting mgp files into the Packages folder) many
times, and it has always worked for me except when:
- I sometimes reverse the letters in mgp to mpg.
- I put the file in one folder, but the MapGuide Admin is connected to a
copy of the server in a different folder or even on a different machine.
To check for the second case, you might try to do a "create package"
operation and see if the MapGuide Admin writes the mgp file to the
folder that you expect.
From: Andy Morsell <amorsell at>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:46:43 -0800
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: [mapguide-users] Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load
Are you copying the .mgp file into the same "Packages folder" as defined
under Configure Services in MapGuide Administrator?  
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 08:14:10 -0800
From: Jason Birch <Jason.Birch at>
Subject: [mapguide-users] Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load
Hi Jay,
What location are you putting it in?
Yes, .mgp files are actually .zip files.  The OSGeo server is not
configured with a content-type for .mgp files, and Internet Explorer
tries to guess what it is and set its extension accordingly.  Broken
behaviour if you ask me.  Other browsers save it with the correct
Subject: Sheboygan not seen in administrator's 'load package'
Installed MG (version and tested pursuant to Documentation-'
Installing and configuring on windows'.  All seems fine so far.  My problem
is trying to load sample data package Sheboygan pursuant to
Documentation-'Installing sample data and viewer sample application'.  The
Sheboygan down load entitled 'Sheboygan .mgp' is apparently zip, I've put it
in the correct location, renamed its extension to .mgp, and yet in the 'Load
Packages section' it still is not listed. It appears that for some reason it
is not recognized. I have tried on 2 machines with same results. I think its
something rather simple that I am just missing. Appreciation in advance.


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