[mapguide-users] Please Help me if you can.....

Jorge Rubio j.e.rubio at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 09:58:18 EST 2006

Hola Luis, nuevamente Jorge

El hyperlink, funciona correctamente en el Map? Abre efectivamente la pagina
correcta con los parametros correctos?

Una solucion posible, si bien no es la deseada, es agregar un campo en la
tabla (a la que tienes enlazadas las parcelas) con el contenido de la url y
utilizar este campo como url en el Studio. Funcionaria?

Seria interesante poder intercambiar experiencias.


2006/11/21, Arq. Luis E. Marin M. <luismarin at simbiosisgroup.net>:
>  Hey guys  I got a big problem with a MapGuide  Studio… the problem is
> this:
> I got a layer created by export of Map3D 2007 in this layer I put to each
> parcel the link  to the data base trough the Link template in Map 3D and I
> put the unique hyperlink to each parcel in the drawing well when I export
> the dwg drawing to sdf to mapGuide studio in the MapGuide Studio put the url
> to the hyperlink created in Map 3D and when I put the mouse over the parcel
> the tooltip dysplay the correct hyperlink in this case is
> but when I try to go over the dwf in weblayout the link change to
>  just when I click on it…. Is very frustrating this situation for me….
> If you can help me  please,  e-mail me because i´m new on this type of
> software. I extend my apologize about my bad English
> Arq. Luis E. Marin M.
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> Arq. Luis E. Marin M.
> Simbiosis Group Inc.
> +58-2129432453  CCS
> +58-4166050203  CCS
> +01-3109283934  USA
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Lic. Jorge Rubio
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