[mapguide-users] How to can make mapguide faster?

Maciej Skorczewski maciej.skorczewski at procad.pl
Thu Oct 19 15:47:15 EDT 2006

Gord McKenzie napisał(a):
> Is the system slow just on the internet or is it very slow even when you are
> testing on the local network?

if i use full url it is slow but if i connect to aplication on server it 
is faster.... your aplication is hostet outside? or you host it on you 

> I found a couple of things made a difference to performance.  First was
> changing my image format to GIF from PNG.  This really seems to matter most
> with raster data as it reduces the size of images that need to be
> transferred to the client. 

i don't use raster data in this aplication. data are stored in *.sdf 
file (export from DWG whit Autodesk Map 3d 2007 - export to mapguide)
so it is vector data, corect? or my a make mistake ?

I was surprised that my air photos still looked
> quite good at 256 colors although this might not always be the case.  Now
> that the JPG compression is fixed that might be another option.  This
> mailing list has instructions on how to change this setting in a couple of
> other posts.

ok i will search list again.

> The other thing was to be more aware of how large my data sources were and
> how much data I was querying at different zoom levels.  Is it possible that
> you are accessing too much data at the different zoom levels?

in one zoom level i show 2-3 label , i can reduce it to 2 layer but no more.

Maciej Skorczewski

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