[MapProxy] Problem with custom projections

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Thu Dec 16 10:46:01 EST 2010

On 16.12.2010, at 16:29, Guillaume Sueur wrote:

> got it dudes !
> QGis doesn't like bboxes with miny=-90 and maxy=90. I just set it manually to -89 and 89 int the xml template and it went well.

Good to hear you solved it. 

> But please Oliver, tell me where to set that globally !

The BBOX depends on your data/configuration. You should see the BBOX of your EPSG:2154 grid in the capabilities, if you have set one. Can you post your configuration?


Oliver Tonnhofer <olt at omniscale.de>
Omniscale - Dominik Helle, Oliver Tonnhofer GbR
Nadorster Str. 60, 26123 Oldenburg
Tel: +49(0)441/9392774-2 (Fax: 9)

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