[MapProxy] Far Future Expires Header

Marc Harter mharter at adc4gis.com
Mon Jun 14 08:31:37 EDT 2010

> For TMS or WMS? MapProxy already handles cache control for tiles. You can set the time in the proxy.yaml:
> # TMS/Tile server options
> tiles:
>     # HTTP cache control expire time
>     expires_hours: 72

I am using a cached WMS service, any options for that?  I suppose
whatever would keep the tile cached in the browser would be good, I
usually use far future expires headers.

> MapProxy also supports '304 Not modified' responses. So if a client re-requests a tile and the tile was not changed, the image is not transferred again.
> I'm not sure if and how you could overwrite these headers in Apache.

How do you enable the 304 Not Modified?  Does that work with WMS cached?

> BTW: MapProxy 0.9.x will allow to configure more options on a layer/cache level that are global at the moment. (Like cache control, image resampling, etc.).

Excellent.  Great work on this!  And the support you've provided has
exceeded my expectations!  Thank you.

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