[MapProxy] MapProxy running on Windows

Adam Estrada estrada.adam at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 10:02:50 EDT 2010


I was able to install MapProxy and get it running on my 32 bit Windows
machine without any major issues. There are a few things that you *must* do
to get it to run though.

In services.yaml

1. Comment out the first two lines to prevent any attribution from showing
up over your WMS.

#    attribution:
#        text: "©Omniscale 2010 (http://omniscale.de) – Map data: CC-BY-SA
OpenStreetMap and Contributors"

2. Comment out the line for "res:" See my code below.

    # #########################
    # # Layer from TMS Source
    # #########################
            title: Omniscale OSM WMS - osm.omniscale.net
            # cache tiles in format:
            format: image/png

            # cache projected and geographical SRS
            srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913']

            # store another level between each regular level
            # res: 'sqrt2'

            # request all data in this format:
            request_format: image/jpeg

            # use a tile size of:
            # tile_size: [256, 256]
        - type: cache_wms
            url: http://osm.omniscale.net/proxy/service?
            layers: osm
            # styles:
            # transparent: False

3. In proxy.yaml, you'll need to add the fully qualified path to the
directory where your tiles will be cached. See below. Make sure that you
give those directories the appropriate permissions...

# # cache options
#     # where to store the cached images
     base_dir: 'C:\MapProxy\var\cache_data'
#     # where to store lockfiles
     lock_dir: 'C:\MapProxy\tmp\tile_locks'
#     # request x*y tiles in one step
     meta_size: [4, 4]
#     # add a buffer on all sides (in pixel) when requesting
#     # new images
     meta_buffer: 80
#     # do not process requests with more than x tiles
     max_tile_limit: 500

I hope this helps folks in need.
Adam Estrada
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