[MapProxy] New MapProxy 1.0.0 RC1 release
Oliver Tonnhofer
olt at omniscale.de
Fri Feb 25 05:01:24 EST 2011
Hi everyone,
we are ready to announce the first release candidate of MapProxy 1.0.0. It
contains some minor improvements. We hope to release 1.0.0 next week.
The latest release is available at: http://mapproxy.org/static/rel/MapProxy-1.0.0rc1.tar.gz
To update within you virtualenv:
$ pip install http://mapproxy.org/static/rel/MapProxy-1.0.0rc1.tar.gz
Updated documentation is available at: http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/
Warning: A bug, introduced in a previous release, prevented that the tile
locks get removed. This issue is solved since 1.0.0b2 and MapProxy will remove
existing lock files on the first access to the cache. This might take
a while if the directory already contains a lot of lock files (probably
We suggest that you remove the complete lock directories by hand:
rm -r cache_dir/*/tile_locks
For a complete list of changes see:
Some noteworthy improvements since 0.9.1 are:
mapproxy-seed got a new, flexible configuration format (the old format is
still supported). You can now define multiple seed and cleanup tasks and call
each separately from the command line interface (--seed and --cleanup
It is now possible to reseed specific areas without triggering any cleanup.
There are also two new --summary and --interactive options that help to
understand what the seed tool will do.
FeatureInfo XSL transformations
MapProxy now supports content aware merging of multiple HTML/XML
feature responses and it supports XSL transformations.
Image manipulation
You can now make non-transparent layers transparent.
Either with an opacity value, with blends the layer over the others,
or with a color value that should be converted to transparent.
There is a new powerful authentication interface.
Oliver Tonnhofer | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://bitbucket.org/olt
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