[MapProxy] limiting image width and height in WMS requests?

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Wed Mar 16 10:31:59 EDT 2011

On 16.03.2011, at 14:38, Christian Willmes wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm now trying to cache an ArcGIS Server based WMS, problem is that
> MapProxy requests to large images (in the given example width=2478 and
> height=1184) from the server, so that the AGS wont deliver them.
> [...]
> Here are my relevant parts of the mapproxy.yaml:
> layers:
>  AGSBasemap:
>    title: AGS Basemap
>    sources: [AGSBasemapCache]
> caches:
>  AGSBasemapCache:
>    sources: [AGSBASE]
> sources:
>    type: wms
>    wms_opts:
>      version: 1.3.0
>      featureinfo: true
>      legendgraphic: true
>    supported_srs: ['EPSG:4326']
>    req:
>      url:
>      layers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
> Is there a possibility to limit the width and height of an MapProxy WMS
> request to some defined values? Or can I configure something else on the
> MapProxy side to avoid this behavior?

The size depends on your tile size, meta size and meta buffer. 1184 is 256x4+2x80, but the 2478 is odd. Is that your complete configuration?


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://bitbucket.org/olt

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