[MapProxy] ZeroDivisionError in mapproxy-seed

Bjoern Platzen bjoern.platzen at almoconsult.de
Wed Mar 16 11:04:22 EDT 2011

Oliver Tonnhofer schrieb:
> On 16.03.2011, at 14:31, Bjoern Platzen wrote:
>> Hello Oliver,
>> thanks for your reply.
>> I changed the definition for the grid, so that it uses EPSG:31466. Now the meter-based min_res and max_res should fit.
>> New Grids-definition:
>> grids:
>>  global_geodetic_sqrt2:
>>    srs: 'EPSG:31466'
>>    res_factor: 'sqrt2'
>>    min_res: 6000000
>>    max_res: 2000
>>    bbox: [2064052.224579244,4915664.3518403955,4181319.125883109,6140458.009400783]
>>    bbox_srs: 'EPSG:31466'
>> But I still get the ZeroDivisionError:
> Your extent is 2mio meters wide and your min resolution is 6mio m/px. So the extent is less than a pixel and the grid size for that level then gets rounded to 0. I modified the calculation, so that the grid size is at least 1 x 1, to prevent the division errors.

Thanks a lot, I didn't see that... Seems, if my calculation of the scale 
is somewhat defective. I simply copied the bbox and the scale from 
another tool. Copying just don't seem to be a good idea nowadays... ;-)

Will the code you modified be avaliable in the nightly builds?

Best Regards,


> Regards,
> Oliver

Almo Consult GmbH
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