[MapProxy] Response time question

Johan Sandberg johs at kth.se
Thu Mar 31 09:07:57 EDT 2011


I'm measuring responses to Map Proxy when its seeded. 
I dont get that satisfying response time as a wish. When I perform requests of a image size of 400*300, 10 request at the time I get low response time(around 50, 60ms).

When I do image size of 800*600 the response time is up to 1-2 sec.
And even bigger image size give response time up to 5-6 sec.
Is this normal response time when requesting seeded tiles?

The request should be alligned with the resolution that is seeded so they don't have to re scaled.  
How much is the normal cost in time of rescaling an image? Do the request have to be perfectly alligned with the cached resolution to achieve the low response time that I wish?

I have installed map proxy on a Linux computer with httpd apache server. I followed the wgsi example.

My mapproxy.yaml file look like this(if there is some configuration thing I didnt think about)

    srs: ['EPSG:3011']
    image_formats: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']
    title: Omniscale OSM WMS - osm.omniscale.net
    sources: [osm_cache]
  # osm_full_example:
  #   title: Omniscale OSM WMS - osm.omniscale.net
  #   sources: [osm_cache_full_example]
    sources: [osm_wms]
    grids: [mygrid]
    minimize_meta_requests: true
  # osm_cache_full_example:
  #   meta_buffer: 20
    meta_size: [3, 3]
    format: image/png
  #   request_format: image/tiff
  #   link_single_color_images: true
  #   use_direct_from_level: 5
  #   grids: [grid_full_example]
  #   sources: [osm_wms, overlay_full_example]

    type: wms
      url: http://pc-sth-5594:8080/geoserver/wms?
      layers: Jarfalla_tatort
    res: [0.1089919129,0.05449695643]

  # grid_full_example:
    tile_size: [256, 256]
    srs: 'EPSG:3011'
    bbox: [134767.155,6585116.237,144280.901,6599402.025]
    bbox_srs: 'EPSG:3011'
  #   min_res: 2000 #m/px
  #   max_res: 50 #m/px
  #   align_resolutions_with: GLOBAL_MERCATOR
  # another_grid_full_example:
  #   srs: 'EPSG:900913'
  #   bbox: [5, 45, 15, 55]
  #   bbox_srs: 'EPSG:4326'
  #   res_factor: 1.5
  #   num_levels: 25

  # # coordinate transformation options
  # srs:
  #   # WMS 1.3.0 requires all coordiates in the correct axis order,
  #   # i.e. lon/lat or lat/lon. Use the following settings to
  #   # explicitly set a CRS to either North/East or East/North
  #   # ordering.
  #   axis_order_ne: ['EPSG:9999', 'EPSG:9998']
  #   axis_order_en: ['EPSG:0000', 'EPSG:0001']
  #   # you can set the proj4 data dir here, if you need custom
  #   # epsg definitions. the path must contain a file named 'epsg'
  #   # the format of the file is:
  #   # <4326> +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs  <>
  #   proj_data_dir: '/path to dir that contains epsg file'

  # # cache options
  #   # where to store the cached images
    base_dir: '../var/cache_data'
  #   # where to store lockfiles
    lock_dir: '../tmp/tile_locks'
  #   # request x*y tiles in one step
    meta_size: [3, 3]
  #   # add a buffer on all sides (in pixel) when requesting
  #   # new images
  #   meta_buffer: 80

  # image/transformation options
      resampling_method: nearest
      # resampling_method: bilinear
      # resampling_method: bicubic
  #     jpeg_quality: 90
  #     # stretch cached images by this factor before
  #     # using the next level
  #     stretch_factor: 1.15
  #     # shrink cached images up to this factor before
  #     # returning an empty image (for the first level)
  #     max_shrink_factor: 4.0

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