[MapProxy] extrapolate_tiles_for_smaller_scales

Zmitser Kozhukh zmitserk at mail.ru
Fri Dec 7 01:48:23 PST 2012

re-cache data differently? i don't think that we have original orthophoto. just tiles (dunno even who made them) for scale 1:1000.
чертёж в студию! (would ask for the sketch if i may! :)))


Пятница,  7 декабря 2012, 3:14  от "A.Pirard.Papou" <A.Pirard.Papou at gmail.com>:
>On 2012-12-06 13:32, Zmitser Kozhukh
      wrote :
      Hello! I have tiles (orthophoto) for scale 1:1000 and want to
      create new tiles for smaller scales (1:5000, 1:10000....etc....) 
      on the basis of the tiles I have.
      Could anyone help what would be the best way to do it?
      With best regards,
                                              zmicjer kozuch
 Привет Зьміцер,
      Может быт connect(irovatj ;-) ) Mapproxy to itself and re-cache
      the data differently?
      Только один Mapproxy. Понимаешь? Если не, я буду сделать чертеж.


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