[MapProxy] Deliver Grayscale Images on the fly

Oliver Tonnhofer olt at omniscale.de
Mon Feb 27 08:07:14 EST 2012

On 23.02.2012, at 09:21, Johannes Weskamm wrote:
>> That would be great. I just don't know where it would make the most sense to integrate this into MapProxy (code and configuration wise). Do you already have any ideas?
> Yes, thats a good question. My first idea was to include it at the wms.py on the service level, because its somehow similar like the attribution, it gets applied on the fly at the end without changing the cache. But the problem is, that this will affect all layers, and not a specific one. The best would be, if the attribution could be moved to the layer level instead of service, so you can have different attributions for different layers. And at this point, the "grayscale" option would fit in best.

Attributions for each layer is a nice feature, but I would not implement it that way, because then we would need to render the attribution more than once.


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.de
http://mapproxy.org | https://bitbucket.org/olt | @oltonn

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