[MapProxy] jpeg tiles for mbtiles

Zmitser Kozhukh zmitserk at mail.ru
Wed Jan 16 07:09:29 PST 2013

 Hello! Thanks! Well at least that would be nice to keep all tiles in original format (ie if the original set of tiles is in .jpeg than the output tms-folder or mbtiles should have it also in .jpeg). I think that would be logical.
Best regards,
                             zmicjer kozuch

Среда, 16 января 2013, 13:51 +01:00 от Oliver Tonnhofer <olt at omniscale.de>:
>On 03.01.2013, at 16:54, Zmitser Kozhukh wrote:
>> just've tested exporting it to tms....of course it doesn't show any error now....folder structure seems to be ok.....the only thing is that  somehow all images are getting converted from jpeg to png......
>> all configs are the same, as i've posted before.... 
>Ok, I thought you wanted the images as PNGs....
>The export util actually doesn't have any option to change the image format. I created a ticket for that feature:
>Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    |  http://omniscale.de
>http://mapproxy.org |  https://github.com/olt | @oltonn

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