[MapProxy] Configuring Mapproxy with Mbtiles created by MapTiler

Bernard Conrad bconrad at aerialservicesinc.com
Fri Apr 16 12:11:39 PDT 2021

Hello, we've been using MapTiler and MapProxy for several years now and
have had good success streaming imagery using the File cache approach. We
are moving to the cloud and instead want to use the mbtiles cache as a way
of streaming since it is easier to move around than all the individual
images. So far we have been unsuccessful in getting MapProxy to display the

I have uploaded mbtile as well as the image, cutline, and the configuration
file for MapTiler Desktop. The mbtiles are in EPSG:3857 and with the hybrid
jpg/png specified by a shapefile. It's the same configuration we use for
the File directory listing and it works fine that way. I also created a
mbtile using only png but that didn't work either.


*MapTiler Configuration*

-work_dir G:\work_dir -o G:\output\sample.mbtiles -srs EPSG:26911 -f
hybridext jpg png8a -jpeg_quality 65 -zoom 0 19 -tms G:\image\sample.tif
-cutline_proj G:\cutline\aoi.shp

I'm following the same configuration for the mbtiles cache per the
documentation (https://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/caches.html#cache-mbtiles)
and use a grid but it only returns 400 and 500 errors. Tried flipping the
origins but that didn't work either.

*MapProxy Configuration*
    sources: []
    grids: [ mbtiles_grid ]
      type: mbtiles
      filename: /var/mbtiles/sample.mbtiles

      origin: 'sw'
      bbox: [-116.376767,34.066863,-116.179884,34.257388]
      bbox_srs: 'EPSG:4326'

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

*Bernard Conrad*
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