[Mapserver-dev] $map->numlayers, $class->numclasses Bug in 4.0 cvs?

Nicol Hermann nicol at nicol.info
Wed Jul 9 13:27:33 EDT 2003

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Hi all,

I'am using the lastest cvs version of Mapserver 4.0 ($Revision: 1.174 $
$Date: 2003/07/08 21:53:12 $) with the code attached.
$map->numlayers as well as $class->numclasses retured Zero although it
exists one layer and one class. The image appears correct. Is this a bug
or did i do something stupid wrong? The same code with mapserver 4.0b
returned the expected values 1 and 1.

Thank you

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=testrohling.php
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  $map = ms_newMapObj('') or die('Unable to open mapfile.');
  $map -> web -> set ("imagepath","/home/nicol/public_html/mapserver/tmp/");
  $map -> web -> set ("imageurl", "/~nicol/mapserver/tmp/");
  $map -> set ("width", 300);
  $map -> set ("height", 300);
  $map -> selectOutputFormat('PNG');
  $map -> setExtent(5.86562681198,47.2757873535,15.0398788452,55.0556488037);

  // First Layer
  $Layer = ms_newLayerObj($map); 
  $Layer -> set("name","brd");
  $Layer -> set("status", 1); 
  $Layer -> set("data","/home/nicol/public_html/mapserver/data/brd/brd");
  $Layer -> set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON );

  $poClass = ms_newClassObj($Layer);
  $styleObj = ms_newStyleObj($poClass);
  $styleObj -> color -> setRGB ( 192, 192, 192 );
  $styleObj -> outlinecolor -> setRGB ( 0 , 0, 0);
  $poClass -> set("template", "php_selected.html");
  $poClass -> set("name", "Deutschland");

  $img = $map->draw();
  $url = $img->saveWebImage();
  printf("<IMG SRC=%s>\n", $url);

  printf ('<p>Anzahl der Layer: %s - Anzahl der Klassen im Layer %s: %s', $map->numlayers, $Layer->name, $Layer->numclasses);


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