[Mapserver-dev] Re: time support

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Jan 6 13:00:42 EST 2004

My plan is to allow arbitrary fields to be added to the tileindex, and
then filter
against whatever you need- startdate-enddate, sensor name or whatever.
like to meet your needs we'd need to generalize tiles futher by
allowing non-shapefile
tile indexes. I could see moving TILEINDEX into it's own object, almost
a mini-layer.
So you could do something like:
  DATA ...
  FILTER ...

Other ideas?


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "David W. Graham" <dgraham at i3.com> 1/5/2004 5:18:26 PM >>>

Just catching up on the conversation.  It is very timely for us at
:) I am trying to find a way to stream (WMS) a series of tiles that
will be
updated quite often (atleast every 2 weeks) with new versions.  All
must be available for streaming.  

We are looking at a Postgres (Postgis) solution.  But as I look at
converstion, it seems that a solution similarly to the one we are
looking at
would probably be quite useful to the temporal discussion.

My solution is simply to add a date field to the tileindex (.i.e there
be overlapping polygons with differing date and location attributes). 
move the tile index into PostGIS so I can keep the massive flood of
data we
are potentially looking at under control.

It will likely be a mapscript hack.


David W. Graham 

Director of Application Development
dgraham at i3.com 
Voice: +1-970-482-4400
Fax: +1-970-482-4499
Web: www.i3.com 

201 Linden, Third Floor    	
Fort Collins, CO 80524    	

-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-dev-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu 
[mailto:mapserver-dev-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu] On Behalf Of Steve Lime
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:11 AM
To: morissette at dmsolutions.ca 
Cc: mapserver-dev at lists.gis.umn.edu 
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-dev] Re: time support

I not convinced I'm right though. The more I've thought about it the
more I
like extending TILEINDEX. Franks here today, I'll bounce it off him.


>>> Daniel Morissette <morissette at dmsolutions.ca> 12/17/2003 9:49:38
Steve Lime wrote:
> A timeindex would not be a shapefile, rather simply a temporal
> table. An xbase file would do nicely. 

You're right. I didn't realize that.

> That
> way date expressions could be used with any data source if a column 
> contained ISO8601 formated date/time strings. In that case using a 
> timeindex for anything but raster data may not be necessary. Raster
> is certainly the task at hand for me.

Actually, some people might have one shapefile per time range (or time

value), so I can see why this TIMEINDEX would be useful to shapefiles
  well. Imagine an organization with 100 years of daily weather data: 
that's too much information to store in a single shapefile if you want

reasonable performance. I guess they would be better using a RDBMS

shapefiles for this anyway, but that's an example where TIMEINDEX on
shapefiles could be used.

  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca 
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ 

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