[Mapserver-dev] Re: time support

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Wed Jan 14 14:12:54 EST 2004


Great idea!  Instead of creating a TILELAYER attribute, I'd suggest that
we change the code so that we can use another layer name in the 
first try tileindex as the name of another layer in the map, on 
try finding tileindex as a path on the filesystem.


On Jan 14, 2004, at 11:44 AM, Brent Fraser wrote:

> Steve,
>   Here's an idea from left field.  The basic problem is we're on the 
> road to
> creating a layer-within-a-layer, adding new keywords and possibly 
> changing
> the syntax of existing keywords.
> How about pointing to another layer (a tileindex layer) from the layer 
> of
> interest?
>   NAME 'landsat images'
>   TYPE raster
>   STATUS on
>   TILEITEM "Location"
>   TILELAYER "landsat_tiles"  # new keyword; points to tile layer
>   NAME 'landsat tile outlines'
>   TYPE polygon                     # or have a new type of  "tile" ?
>   STATUS off
>   DATA "index/landsat.shp"
> That way we could leverage existing filtering, connection, etc 
> structure for
> the tile layer.  Might be too weird though....
> Brent

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