[Mapserver-dev] jBox distribution.

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Wed Jan 21 16:05:16 EST 2004

Steve (and all interested parties),

Working on this Ant build has got me thinking about the jBox 
distribution. Right now there is a single zip file with the source, the 
compiled byte code and the class files for netscape and sixlegs. We have 
both jBox and jBoxPNG, and I have got Ant building .jar's. So it's 
getting to be quite a bit of stuff.

Should we split the source and the binaries into two separate 
distributions? Should split jBox and jBoxPNG into separate 
distributions? (I personally don't think so) Should we be distributing 
the netscape and sixlegs classes at all, or just provide links to 
appropriate resources?

If you are happy with one big zip file as we have now, that's fine with 
me. But this is a good time to review the situation.

Richard Greenwood

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