[Mapserver-dev] Compile Mapserver 4.2.1 on window2000 ? (GD's question)

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Jul 23 13:33:58 EDT 2004

Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
> Hi There,
>  I also tried to use the binaries from boutell to build with mapserver.
> Athough the build works ok, I get a crash when saving a gd image into a
> file (gdImagePng(img, stream)). I really don't know why and there is no
> way to debug this.  Too bad because It would have been really nice to
> not have to build gd on windows.
>  I guess you should try to build gd using the source code (which is what
> I think every one is doing). You can contact me off the list if you need
> a msvc makefile.


I think I ran into the same problem using the boutell binaries.  I believe
my solution was to switch everything to using msvc runtime libraries instead
of the static libraries that are the default solution.  Of course this lead
to lots of other "issues" but I did eventually get it working.

However, building gd from source isn't that hard and I would encourage people
to do that.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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