[Mapserver-dev] deadlock (win32!)

andrea.rogges at virgilio.it andrea.rogges at virgilio.it
Tue Jun 22 14:08:11 EDT 2004

Hi to all,
here a topic for m$ programmer!

First of all, sorry for the brutality with I'm writing about some 'changes':
I've created a 'dll' that contain mapserver's method for building an image,
and I'm using it in multithread mode; on high traffic load (some users connected
with some requests for every single user), I've noted that a lot of errors
occours (deadlock, assertion errors, etc...).

The solution can be move a 'thread' to a 'process' with its isolated memory
space, but it's not a good idea, because logically every single 'request'
is a thread, not a process (taking care that the 'configuration file' is
the same for every request ;-)

Do you have any experience about that?

Thanks in advance,
Andrea Rogges

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