[Mapserver-dev] MapServer 4.4.0-beta1 released

Valik Solórzano Barboza valik.solorzano.barboza at GEODAN.NL
Tue Nov 2 08:29:36 EST 2004

Hi Daniel,

we are trying to access 
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ReleasePlan44 what we get 
strange characters. We did try this with FireFox and IE. Should we use 
another url?



At 23:30 25/10/2004, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>The MapServer team is working hard to bring you a release of MapServer 
>4.4.0 before the end of this year. The first step towards the release is 
>MapServer 4.4.0-beta1 which we are proud to release today. You can find 
>more details on the release plan in the wiki at 
>There are still several issues/bugs being worked on, but the software is 
>in very good shape and ready for power users to start playing with the new 
>features and report any issues they may find. If you think you found a bug 
>then please use bugzilla. We have done a feature freeze a few days ago, so 
>there will be no more new developments before 4.4.0, just fixes.
>The mapserver-4.4.0-beta1.tar.gz source package should be available on the 
>main MapServer website shortly. In the meantime you can get it from 
>The documentation team is in the process of bringing the documentation up 
>to date for 4.4. The latest version of the docs is available at 
>I will include at the end of this message a rough list of what's new in 
>MapServer 4.4.
>Windows binaries are also available:
>Howard Butler wrote:
> >
> > MapServer 4.4.0 beta1 Windows Binaries are available at:
> > http://hobu.stat.iastate.edu/mapserver/build_output/beta_4_4_0
> >
> > I have compiled a 4.4.0 beta1 "kitchen sink" release that includes GDAL,
> > Proj.4, PDF output, SWF output, MrSID, NetCDF, JPEG2000, ECW, PostGIS,
> > GML, WFS Server/Client, WMS Server/Client, DEBUG output, GIF, PNG, and
> > JPEG.
> >
> > Oracle Spatial and SDE are *not* provided, but if you are interested,
> > contact me off list.
> >
> > Python MapScript is also available.
>Finally, PHP MapScript binaries for Windows should be available in a few 
>minutes at http://maptools.org/php_mapscript/index.phtml?page=downloads.html
>  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
>  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
>Here is a rough list of what's new in MapServer 4.4:
>* Added WCS support (server only)
>* Added support for Time dimension in WMS
>* Lots of fixes/improvements to the OGC WMS and WFS interfaces (too many 
>to list here). MapServer 4.4 passes all the tests of the OGC WMS 1.1.1 
>test suite and is ready to be certified (Formal "WMS Compliance" 
>certification with OGC may be completed in time for the final release).
>* Added FastCGI support
>* Lots of fixes to allow running in long-lived processes and multithreaded 
>environments (memory leaks, mutex locking, etc.).
>* Added connection pooling (implemented for SDE and PostGIS).
>* Lots of improvements to SWIG MapScript API and docs.
>* Support for i18n encodings in map labels. Tested with Chinese, Japanese 
>and Thai.
>* Added ability to produce rotated maps (i.e. North is not at the top)
>* Completion of SDE versioned query support
>* ... and many many more fixes and enhancements. See the HISTORY.TXT that 
>comes with the source package for the complete list.
>More detailed excerpt from HISTORY.TXT:
>Version 4.4.0-beta1 (2004-10-21)
>- 'make shared' compilation target now supports some kind of versioning,
>   should at least prevent libmap.so version collisions when upgrading
>   MapServer on a server (bug 982)
>- When no RULE parameter has been specified in the WMS request
>   a legend should be returned with all classes for the specified LAYER.
>   Changes has been made in mapwms.c (bug 653). Also if the SCALE parameter
>   is provided in the WMS request is will be used to determine whether
>   the legend of the specified layer should be drawn in the case that the
>   layer is scale dependant (big 809).
>- Nested layers in the capabilities are supported by using a new metadata
>   tag WMS_LAYER_GROUP (bug 776)
>- Added greyscale+alpha render support if mapdrawgdal.c: Bug 965.
>- Added --with-fastcgi support to configure.
>- support OGC mapcontext through mapserver cgi : Bug 946
>- support for reading 3d shape file (z) : Bug 869.
>- add php mapscript functions to expose the z element : Bug 870
>- imageObj::write() method for SWIG mapscript (bug 941).
>- Protect users from 3 potential sources of threading problems: parsing
>   expression strings outside of msLoadMap, evaluating mapserver logical
>   expressions, and loading symbol set files outside of msLoadMap (bug 339).
>- Various fixes allowing unit tests to run leak free under valgrind on
>   i686.  Memory is now properly freed when exiting from common error
>   states (bug 927).
>- Restored ability to render transparent (indexed or alpha) pixmap symbols
>   on RGB map images, including annotation layers and embedded scalebars.
>   This feature remains OFF by default for map layers and is enabled by
>   specifying TRANSPARENCY ALPHA (bugs 926, 490).
>- mapserv_fcgi.c removed.  Committed new comprehensive FastCGI support.
>- New mapserver exceptions for Java mapscript thanks to Umberto Nicoletti
>   (bug 895).
>- Removed mapindex.c, mapindex.h, shpindex.c components of old unused
>   shapefile indexing method.
>- Use the symbol size instead of 1 for the default style size value. This is
>   done by setting the default size to -1 and adding msSymbolGetDefaultSize()
>   everywhere to get the default symbolsize (Bug 751).
>- Correct Bug with GML BBOX output when using a <Filter> with a
>   GetFeature request (Bug 913).
>- Encode all metadatas and mapfile parameters outputed in a xml document
>   (Bug 802).
>- Implement the ENCODING label parameter to support internationalization.
>   Note this require the iconv library (Bug 858).
>- New and improved Java mapscript build provided by unicoletti at prometeo.it
>   and examples by Y.K. Choo (bug 876).
>- MapContext: Cleanup code to make future integration more easily and output
>   SRS and DataURL in the order required by the spec.
>- Fixed issue with polygon outline colors and brush caching (bug 868).
>- New C# mapscript makefiles and examples provided by Y.K. Choo
>   <ykchoo at geozervice.com> committed under mapscript/csharp/ (bug 867).
>- Renamed 'string' member of labelCacheMemberObj to 'text' to avoid
>   conflicts in SWIG mapscript with C# and Java types (bug 852).
>- Fixed Bug 866 : problem when generating an sld on a pplygon layer
>- SWIG mapscript: map's output image width and height should be set
>   simultaneously using new mapObj::setSize() method.  This performs
>   necessary map geotransform computation.  Direct setting of map width
>   and height is deprecated (bug 836).
>- Fixed bug 832 (validate srs value) : When the SRS parameter in a GetMap
>   request contains a SRS that is valid for some, but not all of the layers
>   being requested, then the server shall throw a Service Exception
>   (code = "InvalidSRS"). Before this fix, mapserver use to reproject
>   the layers to the requested SRS.
>- Fixed bug 834: SE_ROW_ID in SDE not initialized for unregistered SDE tables
>- Fixed bug 823 : adding a validation of the SRS parameter when doing
>   a GetMap request on a wms server. Here is the OGC statement :
>   'When the SRS parameter in a GetMap request contains a SRS
>   that is valid for some, but not all of the layers being requested,
>   then the server shall throw a Service Exception (code = "InvalidSRS").'
>- Set the background color of polygons or circles when using transparent
>   PIXMAP symbol.
>- SWIG mapscript class extensions are completely moved from mapscript.i
>   into separate interface files under mapscript/swiginc.
>- Overhaul of mapscript unit testing framework with a comprehensive test
>   runner mapscript/python/tests/runtests.py.
>- Modified the MS_VALID_EXTENT macro to take an extent as its argument
>   instead of the quartet of members. MapServer now checks that extents input
>   through the mapfile are valid in mapfile.c (web, map, reference,
>   and layer).  Modified msMapSetExtent in mapobject.c to use the new
>   macro instead of its home-grown version. Modified all cases that used
>   MS_VALID_EXTENT to the new use case.
>- Layers now accept an EXTENT through the mapfile (bug 786). Nothing
>   is done with it at this point, and getExtent still queries the
>   datasource rather than getting information from the mapfile-specified
>   extent.
>- Fixed problem with WMS GetFeatureInfo when map was reprojected. Was a
>   problem with msProjectRect and zero-size search rectangles (bug 794)
>- MapServer version now output to mapscriptvars and read by Perl Makefile.PL
>   and Python setup.py (bug 795).
>- Map.web, layer, and class metadata are exposed in SWIG mapscript as
>   first-class objects (bug 737).
>- Add support for spatial filters in the SLD (Bug 782)
>- A few fixes to allow php_mapscript to work with both PHP4 and PHP5.
>   PHP5 support should still be considered experimental. (bug 718)
>- Fixed SDE only recognizing SE_ROW_ID as the unique column (bug 536).
>   The code now autosenses the unique row id column.
>- Enhanced SDE support to include support for queries against
>   user-specified versions.  The version name can be specified as the
>   last parameter of the CONNECTION string.
>- Fixed automated generation of onlineresource in OWS GetCapabilities
>   when the xxx_onlineresource metadata is not specified: the map= parameter
>   used to be omitted and is now included in the default onlineresource if
>   it was explicitly set in QUERY_STRING (bug 643)
>- Fixed possible crash when producing WMS errors INIMAGE (bug 644)
>- Fixed automated generation of onlineresource in OWS GetCapabilities
>   when the xxx_onlineresource metadata is not specified: the map= parameter
>   used to be omitted and is now included in the default onlineresource if
>   it was explicitly set in QUERY_STRING (bug 643)
>- Fixed an issue with annotation label overlap. There was an issue with
>   the way msRectToPolygon was computing it's bounding box. (bug 618)
>- Removed "xbasewohoo" debug output when using JOINs and fixed a few
>   error messages related to MySQL joins (bug 652)
>- Fixed "raster cracking" problem (bug 493)
>- Improvements to Makefile.vc, and nmake.opt so that a mapscriptvars file
>   can be produced on windows.
>- Updated setup.py so Python MapScript builds on win32.
>- Added preliminary raster query support.
>- No more Python-stopping but otherwise benign errors raised from
>   msDrawWMSLayer() (bug 650).
>- Finished prototyping all MapServer functions used by SWIG-Mapscript
>   and added 'void' to prototypes of no-arg functions, eliminating all
>   but two SWIG-Mapscript build warnings (bug 658).
>- Mapscript: resolved issue with pens and dynamic drawing of points (bug 663).
>- Mapscript: fixes to tests of shape copying and new image symbols.
>- Mapscript: new OWSRequest class based on cgiRequestObj structure in
>   cgiutil.h is a first step to allow programming with MapServer's OWS
>   dispatching (bug 670).
>- Mapscript: styles member of classObj structure is no longer exposed to
>   SWIG (bug 611).
>- Implementation geotransform/rotation support in cgi core, and mapscript.i.
>- Testing: fixed syntax error, 'EPSG' -> 'epsg' in test.map (bug 687).
>   Added an embedded scalebar which demonstrates that bug 519 is fixed.
>   The test data package is also made more complete by including two fonts
>   from Bitstream's open Vera fonts (bug 694).
>- Mapscript (SWIG): remove promote and demote methods from layerObj.  Use
>   of container's moveLayerUp/moveLayerDown is better, and this brings
>   the module nearer to PHP-Mapscript (bug 692).
>- mapogr.cpp: Now echos CPLGetLastErrorMsg() results if OGR open fails.
>- mapraster.c: fixed tile index corruption problem (bug 698)
>- Mladen Turk's map copying macros in mapcopy.h clean up map cloning and
>   allow for copying of fontset and symbolset.  Added cloning tests in
>   python/tests/testCloneMap.py and refactored testing suite (bugs 640 & 701).
>- Mapscript: removing obsolete python/setup_wnone.py file.
>- CONFIG MS_NONSQUARE YES now enables non-square pixel mode (mostly for WMS).
>   Changes in mapdraw.c (msDrawMap()) to use the geotransform "hack" to allow
>   non-square pixels.
>- When using the text/html mime type in a GetFeature request, if the
>   layer's template is not set to a valid file, errors occur.
>   Correction is : the text/html is not advertized by default and
>   will only be advertized if the user has defined
>   "WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE"  "text/html" (bug 736)
>- Make PHP MapScript's layer->open() produce a PHP Warning instead of a
>   Fatal error (bug 742)
>- MapServer hash tables are now a structure containing a items pointer
>   to hashObj. See maphash.h for new prototypes of hash table functions.
>   In SWIG mapscript, Map, Layer, and Class metadata are now instances of the
>   new hashTableObj class.  fontset.fonts and Map.configoptions are also
>   instances of hashTableObj.  The older getMetaData/setMetaData and
>   metadata iterator methods can be deprecated (bug 737).
>- Mapscript-SWIG: made the arguments of mapObj and layerObj constructors
>   optional.  A layerObj can now exist outside of a map and can be added
>   to a mapObj using the insertLayer method.  mapObj.removeLayer now
>   returns a copy of the removed Layer rather than an integer (bug 759).
>- Fixed $map->processTemplate() which was always returning NULL.
>   Bug introduced in version 4.0 in all flavours of MapScript (bug 410)
>Mapserver-dev mailing list
>Mapserver-dev at lists.gis.umn.edu

Drs. Valik Solórzano Barboza
Geodan SDT b.v.
President Kennedylaan 1
1079 MB Amsterdam (NL)
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 5711 311
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 5711 333
E-mail: valik.solorzano.barboza at geodan.nl
Website: www.geodan.nl
Disclaimer: www.geodan.nl/disclaimer

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