upcoming 4.4 release

Kari Geurts kgeurts at GIS.UMN.EDU
Wed Nov 17 11:52:01 EST 2004

Hello MapServer Documentation Authors and Developers,

The MapServer 4.4 code release is quickly approaching. I am sending this
friendly reminder that the documentation will
need to be updated for this new 4.4 code.

Between now and the November 29^th final code testing I am hoping
documentation authors can take the time to review their
document and make the necessary changes so it is compatible with the
version 4.4 code. In addition, please include version
number 4.4 in the title of the document and if you haven’t already add a
history revision section to your document.

On November 29^th or shortly after the CVS documentation will be
branched. I will send out an email when this occurs.
The website will then reflect these changes. As it stands now 4.2 is the
stable version and the development documents
should be in the main CVS branch.

Thanks you very much for your attention to this and all your hard work
on the MapServer documentation.


Automatic digest processor wrote:

>There is one message totalling 33 lines in this issue.
>Topics of the day:
>  1. Status of docs for 4.4 release
>Date:    Mon, 15 Nov 2004 09:39:11 -0500
>From:    Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA>
>Subject: Status of docs for 4.4 release
>Hi Kari, MapServer-docs,
>FYI the MapServer 4.4 release is still proceeding according to the
>initial plan: we are still looking at a final release on or around
>November 29th.
>It would be great if the docs/website could be ready at the same time as
>the software release. I see that several documents have been updated for
>4.4 already, but not all of them. What is the status of the
>documentation side of things? I believe you (Kari) have been in touch
>with the doc owners to coordinate the updates? Perhaps if we could get a
>status update then we could see if there is any document that's not been
>updated/reviewed yet and others in the group may be able to volounteer
>to help where needed.
>Thanks to everyone for your work on this!
>  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
>  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
>End of MAPSERVER-DOCS Digest - <first ever> to 15 Nov 2004 (#2004-1)

Kari A. Geurts

Department of Forest Resources
University of Minnesota
1530 Cleveland Ave N.
St. Paul, MN. 55108
Phone: 612-624-3459
Fax: 612-625-5212

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