Newbie help question

Brian Peschel brianp at OCCINC.COM
Fri Dec 2 16:27:38 EST 2005

I just stumbled across MapServer and see some large possiblities about how I
can use this in my company.  What I seem to be significantly missing is how
to do anything advanced with it.

I have picked up O'Reilly's Web Mapping Illustrated book and gone through
all the 'basic' configuration in it.  I really want to do more advanced type
stuff.  Specifically, I am interested in labeling vector data.

For example, on the MapServer web page, it lists the MN DNR site as an
example.  As I zoom in, I see for some roads they are doing 'cool' labeling
with squares with numbers in the sqaures.  I have seen other examples where
I see actual 'shield' icons for US interstate labeling.

O'Reilly's book doesn't get into anything complicated with labeling.  And I
am sure I missed it, but I really don't see anything on the mapserver
documentation webpage other than a list of 'here are all the commands'.  But
without some help, I don't know how to even figure out which command it the
one to use.

There is supposed to be a C wrapper for MapServer.  But I can't seem to find
documentation for that either.

I am sure this is all somewhere real obvious, and I have just missed it.
Any help to leading me in the right direction would be extremely helpful,
and I am just frustrated right now.  Thanks in advance.


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