setting outputformat on the fly (phpmapscript)

Nicol Hermann mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE
Tue Dec 6 02:32:42 EST 2005

Dear developers,

i like to set the outputformat of an imagemap with PHP mapscript on the
fly. To do so i use the following code:

$map->outputformat->set("mimetype", "text/html");
$map->outputformat->set("driver", "imagemap");
$map->outputformat->set("extension", "html");
$map->outputformat->setOption("formatoption", "MAPNAME=imap");
$map->outputformat->setOption("formatoption", "POLYHREF=%s");

All i get back is the following output:

<map name="(null)" width="300" height="300">
p—/,</map>       </FORM>

I assume this a bug, right? Does this have something to do with bug or should i fill a
new one?

Many thanks

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