Huub Fleuren hfl at HOME.NL
Tue Jul 5 12:58:42 EDT 2005

Hi Frank,

In februari you wrote in answer to 

>> did anybody test HTTP POST against a Mapserver FastCGI?

>Yikes, I see that FastCGI mode does *not* support post
>mode.  If you can file a bug report against this I could
>try and fix it.  However, the msIO_* stuff hasn't been used
>much for reading from the stdin pipe so I might end up
>only fixing this in 4.5 to avoid messing up the 4.4.x.

I don't know if anybody really did file a bug, but the code in cutils.c is still the same in 4.6 release.

We worked around it then, but now i 'm wondering if you had the time to look at it.

I will file the bug, as soon as i remember the password

Regards, Huub

<bartvde at> wrote:

>> Hi list,
>> did anybody test HTTP POST against a Mapserver FastCGI?
>> We are receiving an error message containing "POST body is short" in
>> FastCGI mode, in CGI mode there is no problem.
>> Is HTTP POST supported in FastCGI mode?

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

>Yikes, I see that FastCGI mode does *not* support post
>mode.  If you can file a bug report against this I could
>try and fix it.  However, the msIO_* stuff hasn't been used
>much for reading from the stdin pipe so I might end up
>only fixing this in 4.5 to avoid messing up the 4.4.x.
>Best regards,
>I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
>light and sound - activate the windows |
>and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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