4.6.0 final today

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Jun 14 13:30:13 EDT 2005

Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Gah. :) When it comes to standards, releasing broken things is really 
> catastrophic to the ecology of technology. (Speaking as someone who has 
> a client.) It makes things look randomly broken, even when the client 
> software is good. I am in a huge MUM rush, it is going to be hard to 
> make time to DL mapbrowser and try this out, but will try. 

We've been walking towards this release for almost two months now, it's 
a bit late to bring this up now at a few hours from the final release. 
Are there bugs documenting those issues?

> If there *is* 
> a problem, I would suggest that delay is better than broken standards 
> support.

I guess I'd submit this to a vote of the other developers (I have CC'd 
mapserver-dev to get other developer's opinions). My personal vote goes 
to NOT delaying the release and including the fix in 4.6.1 (assuming 
there is an issue).


> Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> Paul Ramsey wrote:
>>> Daniel,
>>> Has the 4.6 WFS support been tested with a WFS client like Cadcorp 
>>> SIS or something else with reasonable GML support? We have thus far 
>>> failed to be able to consume Mapserver 4.6. While we have no reason 
>>> to blame mapserver (it could easily be our fault) in general 
>>> mapserver WFS does not get tested as heavily as the WMS, so it would 
>>> be nice to have another data point that indicates that our problem is 
>>> in fact our fault, and not Mapservers.
>> You're right that MapServer's WFS doesn't get tested as much as the 
>> WMS with 3rd-party clients, simply because WFS is not as widely used 
>> as WMS. We know that Tom and Bart (CC'd on this reply) use it a lot, 
>> so they may be able to comment on the testing they've done. 
>> Unfortunately I don't think there is much we'll be able to do on WFS 
>> before the 4.6 release if we want it out today, so if any fixes are 
>> required they would have to wait for 4.6.1 (and after MUM3).
>> BTW, have you tried testing it with Cadcorp Mapbrowser? How did it go? 
>> I think we've used MapServer with it succesfully in the past, but 
>> maybe some recent changes broke something?
>> Daniel

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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