Sally's Summit Summary

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Jun 21 09:48:35 EDT 2005

We did talk about squid and certainly that is an option that many might use. That said it's another piece of software for someone to manage and install so it might not be available in all cases. MapServer caching could be a fallback in those cases. This also addresses a problem with unique image names and mod_php...


>>> Sean Gillies <sgillies at> 06/20/05 11:51 PM >>>
On Jun 20, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Steve Lime wrote:

> Hi All: Just a quick summary of what we chatted about on Saturday 
> evening =
> at Sally's. Please add too this as you search your memory...
> We talked about several general areas of new development:
> 1) a new rendering back-end for high quality raster output- both cairo 
> =
> ( and Anti-Grain ( 
> =
> were discussed. Both seem to be a bit immature with tiny developer =
> communities. I'd like to offer up ImageMagick as another possiblity - 
> very =
> mature, antialiased lines plus a host of other image manipulation 
> stuff. =
> Just another one to do evaluation on. This might manifest itself as a =
> single "QUALITY" option with values like HIGH/REGULAR.
> 2) splined or path following text labels. (Unfortunately none of the =
> graphics libs mentioned support this out of the box... *sigh*)
> 3) an updated symbol/style model that leverages or follows a standard 
> such =
> as SLD or CSS. CSS may be prefered at this point- SVG like support for 
> =
> styles. Concensus was that a change like this would necessitate a =
> MapServer 5.0 release.
> 4) image caching, that is changing the way the CGI writes file names. =
> Talked about md5 hashes, plus a multiple directory storage option. 
> Might =
> manifest itself as a "IMAGECACHE ON/OFF" option...
> 5) plug-in support for input formats (as a start).
> We also chatted about a tentative release schedule. A version 4.8 in =
> December, with a 5.0 sometime before the 2006 conference.
> That's what I took away from that meeting. Great to see everyone!
> Steve

Y'all must have discussed image caching before I joined. Has no one 
used Squid?

What are the special cases that can't be handled by a web proxy?


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