is CVS down?

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Fri May 13 12:40:26 EDT 2005

> Daniel Morissette wrote:
> > Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> >
> >> I still can't access.  Anyone else have the same issue?
> >>
> >
> > Works for me at the moment.
> >
> BTW, if the problem persists, there is now a mirror of the 
> MapServer CVS on (it's just been setup a week or 
> two ago). Files should
> *NOT* be committed to that CVS server or they will be lost, 
> but you can use it to get the latest source, it's updated 
> every 15 minutes from the master if I remember correctly.
> The CVSROOT is
>   CVSROOT=:pserver:cvs at
> Use the same login/pass as the master CVS.

Sorry, this was a firewall issue from our end.  Thanks for verifying it

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