PHP Mapscript fixes for 4.6.0-beta2

Bart van den Eijnden BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL
Fri May 27 03:09:32 EDT 2005

Hi Mark,

it might be the best idea to open up a bug report per fix in the Mapserver bugzilla so these patches don't get lost.

I also don't know what the policy is for keeping SWIG mapscript in sync with PHP/Mapscript, so your changes might need changes in the SWIG mapscript as well.

Best regards,

Bart van den Eijnden
Postbus 270
2600 AG  DELFT 015-7512436
email: BEN at

>>> Mark Cave-Ayland <m.cave-ayland at WEBBASED.CO.UK> 05/26/05 03:08pm >>>
Hi everyone,

I've just been looking at dynamically creating symbols on the fly using PHP
Mapscript, and found a couple of bugs which I believe I have fixed with the
attached patches. The patches are against the file
mapserver-4.6.0-beta2.tar.gz which I downloaded from

        1) symbolObj has no imagepath property

        This was fixed by copying the code from mapsymbol.c to allow the
imagepath property to be set via mapscript. I
        was a little unsure about how the current path should be handled, so
at the moment it assumes that the path to the
        GIF/PNG is absolute without considering the current path from the

        2) symbolObj->setPoints() doesn't correctly set

        Using setPoints() to load an array of points for a vector symbol was
not correctly setting sizex/sizey to the
        maximum extents of the symbol. Hence all symbols were being drawn
with a size of 0 and did not appear to be
        visible. This was fixed by borrowing the code from mapsymbol.c to
set sizex/sizey to the maximum extents of the
        symbol as points are added to the symbol.

Many thanks,


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